Act4Murder shows never go away. I've written 30 shows, so I can generally keep a show running for a year or so, then will retire it for another four or five years until I'm ready to pull it out again. And holiday shows are treated the same way except they are only performed in that specific holiday month. So last night's final performance of DEATH BY CUPCAKE isn't really final, but the 2015 run is over, and I'm very sorry to see it end. We had eight performances and every one was better than the last. Which is saying a lot, because the first one was phenomenal!
This cast just clicked. Every performance wasn't just perfect, it was fun, energetic, memorable and so solid you'd think these six people had been working together their whole lives. And after each show, when we went around the table doing our retrospective, answering two questions: What was your favorite part, and what was your least favorite part? Everyone had a hard time coming up with a least favorite part.