Our hosts were very generous, all the guests dressed appropriately, and lots of hooch was consumed, contributing to the overall good vibe.
We didn't actually perform on a boat, but the view of the docks behind the Simpsons' home was breathtaking. There was also some kind of wedding party going on at a place on the other side of the water, and when my character Smokey Provolone came back in at one point, I had to make reference to that futuristic "gangsta rap" song we could hear on the Simpsons' back porch. (It was "Regulate" by Warren G and Nate Dogg.)
Thanks again to everyone that came to the party, the catering team, and our own terrific cast - Joe Chase, Kay Yarbrough, Mary Ann Troiano, Jim Downum and David Smith. We love doing private shows in people's houses, boats and whatnot. If you'd like to host your own Act4Murder party, check out our website.
- Chris
- Chris