Why do they hate us? We are too "amateur," "can't hear us," "dancing looked bad," "dumb story," "too much fighting," "over-priced," and my favorite, "didn't like it that someone died."
The fighting? Well, that kind of has to happen to establish a motive. Can't hear - we've vastly improved on that one over the years, as we have the dancing (thanks to my incredibly talented daughter, our official choreographer). The criticism about the writing? A person's taste in writing is pretty subjective, so if they don't like it, I can't help it. Amateur? Yeah, no. Although one person who called my actors "hokey" was right - they were performing as a bunch of rednecks who were supposed to be hokey. Over-priced? Have you checked out the price to go to the movies and get a large coke and a big bucket of popcorn? This seems like a better deal, given you're getting a 3-course meal and a 3 hour show for that price. And "didn't like it that someone died?" LOL! It's a MURDER MYSTERY!
I remember the first time I got a bad comment back. It killed me. I put my heart and soul into Act4Murder and for someone to so flippantly tell me my work sucks really hurt. But after 13 years, and 13 people who hate us, I'm doing a little better at letting it roll off my back. I mean, honestly? You can't please everyone. And given that 0.00056 percentage, I'd say I'm pleasing MOST everyone, and that's not a bad thing!
~~ Paula
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