Monday, June 15, 2015

Our Mysterious Schedule!

Summer has arrived! 2015 is the 6th year we've been able to perform weekly for the tourists, and we worked as hard as ever to get our shows ready and the schedule solidified. The spring is so busy for us - getting a new show up, bringing back old ones, giving them facelifts, recasting, rehearsing… then from June on it's nothing but performances! Unfortunately, though, this year circumstances changed, and we're now in the process of selecting a new venue in the Destin area -  we hope to be set by the beginning of July. In the meantime, Okaloosa Island is only a few miles away, so hop in that car and come see us at Angler's Beachside Grill! We have select Thursday night shows going on this month through August. Hope to see you - this week June 18 - for REDNECK RIVALRY, a murderous look at …. well, redneck rivalry.  :)  ~~ Paula

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